There are going to be a lot of announcements in the next week from the upcoming Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, NV. It seems …
Category: News
A new feature of Windows 8 has been detailed on the Building Windows 8 blog by Steven Sinofsky. Called “Storage Spaces”, it is equivalent to …
For those that use Windows and mess things up enough to warrant a re-install or for those that are done with their PC and want …
A new technology from Tobii Technology enables you to navigate and use your Windows 8 computer using your eyes. You look where you want to …
For those that haven’t heard, the once youngest Microsoft Certified Professional, Arifa Karim suffered cardiac arrest right before the Christmas holiday. The doctors had given …
Paul Thurrott, in his anti-rumor rant, has clarified that Microsoft and Nokia are planning a 200 million dollar marketing campaign for their new Windows Phone …
I knew this was coming. After many companies stopped supplying recovery discs with their PC’s, a UK electronics retailer took it upon themselves to help …
Microsoft’s newest entry into flying applications will come as a game, rather than a simulator (although it is promised to appeal to simulator users, too), …
Rumors are saying that Microsoft may be supporting and offering Linux as part of their Azure cloud service. Instead of building cloud apps, Microsoft will …
There are some new Xbox Live enabled Windows Phone 7 games coming soon. They seem to be some nice games, but no word on release …