Microsoft Extending Surface Retail Reach

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Microsoft has decided to extend the reach of the Surface, allowing the Surface to be purchased at other retailers instead of being a Microsoft Store and online only exclusive. This is due to increased production due to the higher demand for the Surface RT tablet. Also, several of the temporary holiday stores are going to become permanent fixtures in several locations.

As early as mid-December, consumers will be able to go to retail stores in the United States and Australia to purchase a Surface with Windows RT. Additional availability will be added in a number of countries in the coming months.

“Our plan has been to expand the retail presence for Surface after the first of the year. Based on interest from retailers, we are giving them the option to carry Surface with Windows RT even earlier,” said Steve Schueler, corporate vice president, Microsoft Retail Sales and Marketing.

SkyDrive Coming to Xbox 360

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Microsoft’s popular cloud storage application, SkyDrive, is coming to the Xbox 360. What can you do with your files on the Xbox? Share photos and videos. With Windows 8 PC’s able to sync to SkyDrive (as well as Windows Phone devices), this can help make everything a bit more seamless when sharing your adventure pictures… Or disaster vacation pictures!

The entirely new SkyDrive experience for Xbox 360 spotlights your photos and videos. The app connects the cloud to your Xbox and TV: every photo, video, movie, and other file you put in SkyDrive from Windows or the web will be available on your Xbox-connected TV. Your Windows Phone is also now connected to Xbox and every photo you snap can be available on your TV automatically.

Microsoft Security Essentials Fails

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Ouch. The once highly recommended free antivirus software from Microsoft, MS Security Essentials has failed AV-Test’s virus detection tests. Zero day exploits as well as standard virus scanning. It has been verified by other independent testing companies, as well. Hopefully, Microsoft can get back on top, otherwise I’ll have to start recommending something else. MSE has been great for me so far, and has a very small footprint and integrates into the OS very well. Time to move on, or wait a month or so to see if they can rebound?

According to the testing firm, Security Essentials was only able to spot 64 percent of zero-day malware attacks during September and October. This is down from the previous testing period in which Microsoft’s antivirus was able to spot 69 percent of zero-day threats. Still, this is well below the industry average detection  rate of 89 percent.

Raising Awareness for High School CS Students

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Computer Science in high school? When I was a kid, that meant teaching yourself BASIC and/or C using a school computer. The teachers for computer class taught Wordperfect and very simple PC usage (using DOS, of course!). I would really like to see more computer science classes taught at the high school level as well as have more ways to advance from the high school level to college level. Computer Science Education Week is this week, and it hopes to inform people of the huge computer science curriculum gap.

I hope so, as I’ve seen some very talented kids cruise through high school and being taught the basics of the Internet (what kid doesn’t already know about that these days?!). I’ve even seen colleges that require beginning PC classes (usage of the mouse, etc.) as a required course for computer science majors. Having a placement exam, you could gauge the students level and find that they could start in C++ classes instead of beginning Windows classes (which is a waste of time and money for the student, and really turns them off of school). 

Even interested, high-potential students are being kept out. I recently spoke with a young woman in Massachusetts, who, when asked if she planned to take the Advanced Placement Computer Science (APCS) course, said “I’m hoping my teacher will let me sit alone in a classroom and work on it by myself,” and that it wasn’t offered at her school or through their virtual school exchange. Nationwide only 7 percent of high schools offer the APCS course. This is a wake-up call. We are squandering a precious resource – our students.

Why does my Excel Spreadsheet icon have an exclamation point?

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With the introduction of Office 2007, Macro enabled worksheets saved as .XLSM files show the exclamation point as part of the icon. This is not to show that it is an error or that it is dangerous, only to inform you that it contains macros. “Feature” or not well thought out placement of punctuation? It’s completely normal, and everything is fine as long as you trust the document and/or created the document and macros yourself.


Why the Surface is DOOMED!

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The Surface is doomed! It’s insecure, unstable and is designed around Windows. Ok, so this guy is really spewing some major FUD. But, don’t worry, he’s quick to say that the iPad can fix all these problems and you can even get an increase in productivity! This ex-programmer (assembly), tech writer has some issues with Windows, and he really shows it. He puts the failure on the Surface on the Windows operating system. Basically “It runs Windows, so it sucks!”.

I’ll admit that Windows 8 isn’t perfect. I’ve found a few flaws, but if the Surface fails, it will not be from anything this guy has said. Price? Maybe. Availability? Maybe. When reading the article, be sure to read the comments. They should really help you understand how many people can see through his huge Apple bias.

If so, you’re making a huge mistake. Because the Surface is based upon Windows, it is, and will remain, inherently unstable and insecure. That’s because Windows itself is a security and stability nightmare.

Newest Xbox Console to Arrive by Holidays 2013

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With Nintendo throwing the first punch in the newest next-gen console race, Microsoft was sure to deliver a follow up. The newest Xbox is rumored to be delivered by the holidays of 2013. With a 70 million user base with the Xbox 360 and sales still very strong, Microsoft has been hesitant to release a new console. But, with the competition strong it’s time to debut the new machine.

Sources can’t say when or where the new console will first show up, at E3 in June, or at a stand alone party similar to the Surface launch. Time will tell. Cost? Unknown, but a huge factor when people are making their purchases, especially in this economy.

Since the release of the Xbox 360 in 2005, the gaming market has changed, as casual games played on tablets and phones gain in popularity. Microsoft introduced full-body motion controls to console gaming with the Kinect. More than 40 million of the 70 million Xbox 360 customers also have Xbox Live online subscriptions, many of which are used to watch TV and movies, rather than play games.

Surface Pro Pricing

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The Surface Pro finally has a price, and it’s about what I was expecting. $899 for a 64 GB version, and $999 for the 128 GB version. Not too bad at all. I’m looking forward to grabbing one of these. I’ll definitely splurge for the 128 GB version. The pricing is for the stand alone tablet, with the touch or type cover sold separately.

On the inside, Surface with Windows 8 Pro will come with Intel’s next generation Core i5 processor. This chip will give Surface with Windows 8 Pro a graphics boost for its 10.6” 16:9 ClearType display that runs at a 1920×1080 full HD resolution. Surface with Windows 8 Pro also includes a full-size USB 3.0 port. Its Mini DisplayPort can drive an external display up to 2560X1440 resolution. And, as I mentioned above, Surface with Windows 8 Pro will support Pen input. This is an amazing feature for all you note-takers or document editors out there, especially since it has expanded capacitive and digitizing technology we’re calling Palm Block that will prevent your handwriting from getting interrupted if you accidently place your palm on the screen as you write. This feature is pretty cool, and allows for a great inking experience alongside a great touch experience when needed.

Internet Explorer Troll

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You see this guy all over every forum, every post that mentions Internet Explorer. The IE Troll. Microsoft has finally acknowledged this guy and admits that it is getting better after having some down time.

IE Troll

Steven Sinofsky Leaves Microsoft

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I did not see this coming at all. Steven Sinofsky has left Microsoft. He was the head of the Windows team during development of Windows 8 and the Surface. His departure from the company is not related to the mentioned products, but rather a personality clash with other employees.

I wish Steven well in his future endeavors. His replacements are Julie Larson-Green and Tami Reller. I can’t wait to see what these two can come up with. The both sound like very intelligent and capable women.

Microsoft Corp. today announced that Windows and Windows Live President Steven Sinofsky will be leaving the company and that Julie Larson-Green will be promoted to lead all Windows software and hardware engineering. Tami Reller retains her roles as chief financial officer and chief marketing officer and will assume responsibility for the business of Windows. Both executives will report directly to Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer.