Windows 8 Beta This Spring

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In a roundabout way, and just assuming here, Spring might be the time when Windows 8 is formally announced and a beta is unleashed. In an interview with Softpedia, Mr. Ondřej Vlček – Avast CTO, said that he has something scheduled with Microsoft this Spring. Let’s home Microsoft can get the OS into developers hands well before the launch so we don’t have another Vista moment with dev’s not having enough time to fix their applications… Or so they said.

Softpedia: Have you had any contact with Microsoft regarding Windows 8? Have you seen any technology preview?
Ondřej Vlček: Not yet. We have something scheduled for this spring. Hopefully we will get our hands on an early build and find out what changes break things, so we can modify the code to be ready when the product ships.

Save IE6 Petition

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What started as an April fools joke is still going. Internet Explorer 6 is an old, insecure internet browser. I am sure some thought this to be serious, but even Microsoft can’t joke about this thing.

These days we are inundated with bloated web browsers that overcomplicate our lives. However, there is one eminent exception: IE6. It has been around since 2001 and is still one of the most powerful and versatile browsers available.

This is why we want to achieve the following:

  • Get everyone to use IE6
  • Get IE6 ported to more platforms
  • Get the W3C standard changed to fit IE6


Kinect in Guinness Book For Sales

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The Guinness Book of World Records, a series my 10 year old really enjoys, has crowned the Kinect the fastest selling consumer gadget of all time. My family has recently purchased a Kinect and we really like it. Skynet Jr. as I like to call it.

As if selling over 8 million Kinects in its first 60 days wasn’t already impressive enough, Microsoft’s camera motion sensor for the Xbox 360 is now officially the "fastest-selling consumer device" in history, according to Guinness World Records. It’s even hotter than the iPad when it claimed the fastest-selling gadget record back in October.


New App Lets IE6 Apps Run on IE8/9

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A new application is being developed, called UniBrows, that allows users to run applications designed for Internet Explorer 6 while using a newer version of the browser. Using IE6 for the sake of an old application is a huge security risk, among other reasons. I wonder how many of these businesses still run DOS applications because making Windows applications cost more to develop.

Microsoft has not been helpful by telling users to rewrite IE6 apps as it did in this letter to customers: “Update and remediate your applications to IE8 as soon as possible." While this remediation process can take time and effort, it is the preferred and best solution.” One Browsium customer told Schare that rewriting just one IE6-configured app to run in IE8 could cost his company $5 million. In a typical enterprise running thousands of apps, there may be only 10 or 20 that run only in IE6, but 10 or 20 times $5 million is an expense that can be hard to justify. And besides, in some situations, the developer who wrote the original app for IE6 may no longer be with the company.

Error 0xC0000034 During SP1 Install

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There are some people that are having issues with the latest Service Pack for Windows 7 and Server 2008R2. You may get the error: !! 0xc0000034 !! 142/53007 (_0000000000000000.cdf-ms), even upon a restart. Microsoft has come up with a fix to uninstall the Service Pack:

Option 1 (Win7 client only):  Use a system restore point to recover the system

  • This one is pretty self explanatory.  Boot your machine into WinRE and pick a restore point before the service pack was installed.  This should get you back up and running. 
  • This doesn’t work on server

Option 2 (Win7 client and 2008 R2 server):  Delete the poqexec entry

  • Boot into WinRE and choose a command prompt then run the following commands and restart the computer:
    • Reg load HKLMBaseSystem C:WindowsSystem32configSYSTEM
    • Reg Delete "HKLMBaseSystemCurrentControlSetControlSession Manager" /v SetupExecute
    • Reg add "HKLMBaseSystemCurrentControlSetControlSession Manager" /v SetupExecute /t REG_MULTI_SZ
    • Reg unload HKLMBaseSystem
  • If you’re more graphically inclined, you can use this method:
    • Boot into WinRE
    • Open Registry Editor using regedit.exe 
    • Now you will have the WinRE registry loaded so you need to load the “ System ” hive
    • To do that : Highlight HKLM then  Click on File > Load Hive > Browse to C:windowssystem32config (assuming C: being the system drive )
    • Name the Hive as TEST 
    • Browse to HKLMTESTselect and check the value for “ Current “
    • Assuming the value as (1) browse to HKLMTESTControlSet001ControlSessionManager
    • Locate and double click the key “SetupExecute ” at the right panel 
    • Delete any value inside the key and click OK
    • Highlight TEST and then Click on File > Unload hive
    • Type exit at cmd
    • Reboot the machine and choose to start the machine normally

KinEmote To Connect Kinect to PC

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KinEmote is software to use the Kinect on your PC. I’m sure with more software taking advantage of the Kinect, it’s only a matter of time before it hits critical mass and there are MANY games and applications designed especially for the PC and Kinect.

Angry Birds using KinEmote



Features new in version 0.4 beta
– Virtual Mouse mode with push-to-click action.
– Enhanced visual notifications in Boxee and XBMC.
– Choice of ‘push’ or ‘wrist wave’ to initiate hand tracking sessions.
– Audio notifications for session start, front plane, back plane and session end.
– Enhanced video feedback panel.
– HUD style indicators on video feedback that react to menu navigation and plane selection.
– Camera LED notifications – off when inactive, green for front plane, red for back plane.
– Xbox Kinect motor control to adjust the angle of your camera.
– Completely revised settings menus for simple intuitive configuration.
– Updated main user interface.

Microsoft Close to RTM’ing Windows Home Server 2011

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While I’m not too excited about the missing Drive Extender feature of Windows Home Server and Windows Small Business Server Essentials 2011, it still has a small place in your home network or business. Microsoft is getting close to releasing the RTM and getting it out to manufacturers. I’ve already passed on the server and decided to go with a more robust and feature rich Server 2011 Small Business Edition with a RAID5 array. Currently, I am running a Windows Home Server 1.0 edition on custom hardware. The Drive Extender functionality makes it worth it to NOT upgrade to the newer version. But, I do desire more, so that is where Server 2011 comes in.

The software giant has started to compile RTM escrow builds of Windows Home Server and Small Business Server 2011, codenamed Vail and Aurora respectively. According to Zukona, an infamous leaker, Microsoft plans to finalize the RTM builds of both products on March 30. Microsoft compiled 8800.16385.110302-1330 on March 2.

Countdown to IE6 Exinction

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Microsoft has created a site to gauge the declining market share for Internet Explorer 6.0. With Internet Explorer still holding 12% of market share, it is time to give this aged, unsecure web browser the kick. If you or your IT manager are still insisting on Internet Explorer 6, it’s time to upgrade. Even the developer is telling you it’s time to put it down. In the words of the 80’s hair band Europe: It’s the final countdown!

10 years ago a
browser was born.

Its name was Internet Explorer 6. Now that we’re in 2011, in an era of modern web standards, it’s time to say goodbye.

This website is dedicated to watching Internet Explorer 6 usage drop to less than 1% worldwide, so more websites can choose to drop support for Internet Explorer 6, saving hours of work for web developers.

Windows 8 Leaked Screenshots

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A few screenshots of a build of Windows 8 UI have been released by Win7China. Apparently, Microsoft knows that these leaks happen and have a wallpaper with the saying “shhh… let’s not leak our hard work”. Great advice, but like most advice is wasn’t taken. The site WinRumors have confirmed that these screenshots are in fact the real deal.

Microsoft appears to be planning Windows Live integration straight into the Windows shell for its next-generation of Windows. The software giant has also provided several wallpapers with a “ssh…lets’ not leak our hard work” written on them. WinRumors has independently confirmed that the screenshots are genuine. The shots come from an early Milestone 2 build of Windows 8, tagged 7910.0.winmain_win8m2.110111.
