US Government Says “Oops” And Blocks 82,000 Domains

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In the guise of security and to protect us from ourselves, the United States government has been taking down domains that infringe copyrights and host child pornography. While the intentions are good, their actions aren’t really that great. They shut down 82,000 domains by accident. Oops!

Thanks to a recent law rushed through Congress and  “Operation Protect our Children”, aiming to seize unlawful domains and eradicate child pornography respectively. Yet, it turns out many of the domains that were seized belonged to small business who had their images fairly harmed by this incident.

Dell Working On Windows 8 Tablet In 2012

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Windows 8 is supposed to make it’s debut in first quarter 2012, if a roadmap from Dell is to be believed. I don’t see it happening, unless we see a beta very soon.

While details of the tablet are not known, what is known is that it is expected to land in Q1 of 2012. If the tablet is supposed to launch then, it is easy to assume that Windows 8 will have been released for public consumption at that point. But this date does not tie very closely to other dates that had been leaked, so that Q1 2012 launch window for Windows 8 may be a bit premature.

Windows 7 SP1 Final Availble To MSDN & Technet

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For those that have Technet or MSDN subscriptions, Microsoft has released Service Pack 1 for Windows 7 today. Grab it if you need it, spread the news if you don’t! Expect a full public release within the next few days. Thanks to Tom Warren for the heads up on this one.

Microsoft posted its final build of Windows 7 SP1 to MSDN and TechNet customers on Wednesday. Copies of Microsoft’s Windows 7 SP1 RTM update leaked last month to file sharing websites ahead of its release. Microsoft has confirmed 7601.17514.101119-1850 is the final RTM. The software giant will offer the build to the public on February 22 and it is expected to be released to Windows Update shortly afterwards.

Nokia – Microsoft Deal Good For Users

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Microsoft has partnered with Nokia for it’s new Windows Phone 7 device. Whether or not this is a good deal or not is yet to be seen. But, with Nokia’s past success and Microsoft’s current success with the WP7, it looks like a great combination.

For Microsoft, of course, the deal was a no-brainer. Its newly launched mobile OS received favorable press and reviews, but has had a slow start in consumer adoption. Microsoft isn’t releasing actual consumer sales numbers, a telling sign that it doesn’t have a number worth bragging about yet. However, it will talk about licenses sold – 2.1 million, by last count. The number represents the faith the mobile operators have in Microsoft’s OS.

For the record, Microsoft’s official statement on handset sales is that it “doesn’t know” the numbers – that’s data the operators have, not it.  “But returns are low,” Microsoft’s mobile director Brandon Watson claims. And based on exit surveys done by a third party outfit, Microsoft found that 93% of new Windows Phone 7 customers are reporting that they’re either “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with their new devices.

Microsoft To Kill Zune

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After much speculation and denials by Microsoft, it comes as no surprise that the Zune is finally being nixed. While I prefer the Zune over the iPod, it really hasn’t made much of a dent in media players. I was at Wal-Mart and the sales associate was calling it the Sony Zune. Talk about brand recognition.

The reasoning behind these arguments typically centers around a combination of sales, device iteration, and software updates. The MP3 player never quite went on to offer the iPod a challenge in market share as Microsoft had seemingly intended when the product was first announced.

Win a Copy of “Troubleshooting Windows 7 Inside Out” in Paperback

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Mike Halsey, author of Troubleshooting Windows 7 Inside Out, is having a giveaway. While I’m a bit late to the party in bringing this news to you, I’m not bringing the after party. You still have several hours to get in on this. I recommend it as it is a great book. I am finishing up a review which will be posted very soon. So, get in to win it!

The ultimate, in-depth reference for troubleshooting Windows 7 — from the inside out! This supremely organized book delivers hundreds of prevention tips, troubleshooting techniques, and recovery tools, with a companion ebook and additional content online.

You’re beyond the basics, so dive right into troubleshooting Windows 7 — and really put your PC to work! This supremely organized reference describes hundreds of prevention tips, troubleshooting techniques, and recovery tools in one essential guide. It’s all muscle and no fluff. Discover how the experts keep their Windows 7-based systems running smoothly — and challenge yourself to new levels of mastery.

  • Take control of essential Windows 7 maintenance and security features, such as the Action Center and User Account Control
  • Master quick fixes to the most common problems using expert tips and step-by-step repair guides
  • Implement best practices to help prevent and combat viruses, malware, and identity theft
  • Apply advanced troubleshooting techniques by understanding how Windows 7 works
  • Diagnose hardware problems and work safely with your PC
  • Develop a recovery plan to restore your system and data in the event of a disaster
  • Know when to use power utilities for advanced performance, maintenance, and diagnostics

This is a simple competition too, all you need to do is the following.

  • Follow @Mike_Halsey on Twitter and Tweet about this competition
  • Don’t Tweet?  You can also enter by following Mike on Facebook
  • New IE9 RC screenshots leaked

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    As Internet Explorer 9 gets closer to release, there are a few new improvements coming down the chute. has some new screenshots and information on the updates since the public beta and the newest RC sent to beta testers. Some great moves by Microsoft after listening to customer criticism. Bring your translator unless you can read Russian (link is to Google Translate version of the original page).

    Bold frame bar under the navigation buttons, frankly spoils the impression from the browser interface, the 9.00.8073.6010 absent, leaving the user’s attention a web page, not the browser, and as if implying that the final product is already very close.

    Теперь обратим свой взор на адресную строку, где по-прежнему по соседству ютятся вкладки открытых страниц. We now turn their attention to the address bar, where still in the neighborhood crammed tabs open pages. Вкладки эти обзавелись острыми, точеными краями. Tabs got these sharp, chiseled edges. Текущая активная вкладка достаточно резко выбивается из группы своих собратьев светловато-серым тоном. The current active tab rather abruptly knocked out of the group of his fellow svetlovato-gray tone.

    Image courtesy of

    Microsoft Sued For Not Giving Windows Refunds

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    Microsoft is getting sued, again, for not being nice and giving refunds to those who purchased a PC that came with Windows and they didn’t want it. As far as I know, Microsoft didn’t sell the PC in the first place, didn’t force the OEM to include Windows, and didn’t force the end user to buy the PC with Windows included.

    If I buy a Blu-ray player that comes with a couple Blu-rays in a package deal, and don’t want the movies, can I sue the movie studio for not refunding me the money on the package I bought from the store?

    Let’s see how long it takes before this is laughed out of court. I meant dismissed.

    Furthermore, the group says consumers who buy computers with OEM copies of Windows installed have more difficulties in getting a refund than those who purchased a retail copy of the OS. The lawsuit notes that users who buy and install the OS itself, but that don’t agree to the EULA, are entitled to a return from the place where they bought it. OEM buyers, however, are at the whim of their system seller or installer for a refund, which has historically proven to be a difficult process, it says.